An Audience with... Series

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Compassion Con Series IconLeadership Series: An Audience with...

A number of speakers from vast backgrounds recount their pathway to leadership within health and social care.


Speaker: Jo Whitehead, Chief Executive, Betsi Cadwaladr UHB

Summary: In this session Jo Whitehead openly reflects on her career. She talks about her experience of working in and leading complex healthcare organisations as Director and Chief Executive, both in the UK and abroad, sharing successes and challenges and her perspective of what a Chief Executive wants and expects from executive directors and senior leaders.

Recorded: 29th October 2021, as part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Read the full bio.

Speaker: Tracy Myhill OBE, Director, Tracy Myhill Associates

Summary: In this session Tracy openly reflects on her career in the NHS. She talks about her experience of running large complex NHS organisations as Chief Executive, the highs and the lows, and shares her perspective of what a Chief Executive wants, and does not want, from Executive Directors to Senior Leaders.

Recorded: 26th February 2021, as part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Read the full bio.

Speaker: Margaret Heffernan, Author and Entrepreneur

Summary: As an entrepreneur and CEO turned thought leader and TED speaker, Margaret has a gift for both shaping and anticipating trends. In this talk she will share her vast experience and research drawn from both the public and private sector.

Recorded: 26th March 2021, as part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Read the full bio.

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