Individual Professional Collaborative

Individual Professional Collaborative and Clusters Banner

List of Individual Professional Collaborative and Clusters

Please see below a list of professional collaboratives with the link to each landing page outlining the importance of leadership. These pages will showcase more resources linking specifically to your professional collaborative and clusters.

optometry logo

There is strong evidence that in health care settings, establishing a rapport with patients and demonstrating compassionate care and leadership improves patient health outcomes. In optometry and related health care professionals you may not have heard about this before, but it is integral to improve eye health for our patients and to benefit eye care professionals in Wales.

View the Optometry landing page.

dentistry logo

Delivering the ambitions of ‘A Healthier Wales’ requires excellent leadership at all levels to plan and deliver effectively and to improve the care of people living in Wales. We want to support our leaders to grow and develop their leadership skills and we are committed to providing opportunities for people to undertake leadership development throughout their careers. We have developed Gwella as our Leadership Portal to enable wide access to a range of curated resources under the banner of Compassionate Leadership which is the leadership model for Wales. We have carefully curated leadership resources that we believe are the most critical areas for primary care leaders who are leading Professional Collaboratives and Clusters whether you are in a new leadership role, or have many years of experience.

View the Dentist landing page.

nursing logo

Delivering the ambitions of ‘A Healthier Wales’ requires excellent leadership at all levels to plan and deliver effectively and to improve the care of people living in Wales. We want to support our leaders to grow and develop their leadership skills and we are committed to providing opportunities for people to undertake leadership development throughout their careers. We have developed Gwella as our Leadership Portal to enable wide access to a range of curated resources under the banner of Compassionate Leadership which is the leadership model for Wales. We have carefully curated leadership resources that we believe are the most critical areas for primary care leaders who are leading Professional Collaboratives and Clusters whether you are in a new leadership role, or have many years of experience.

View the Nurses landing page.

general practice logo

Delivering the ambitions of ‘A Healthier Wales’ requires excellent leadership at all levels to plan and deliver effectively and to improve the care of people living in Wales. We want to support our leaders to grow and develop their leadership skills and we are committed to providing opportunities for people to undertake leadership development throughout their careers. We have developed Gwella as our Leadership Portal to enable wide access to a range of curated resources under the banner of Compassionate Leadership which is the leadership model for Wales. We have carefully curated leadership resources that we believe are the most critical areas for primary care leaders who are leading Professional Collaboratives and Clusters whether you are in a new leadership role, or have many years of experience.

View the General Practice landing page.

allied health professionals logo

Delivering the ambitions of ‘A Healthier Wales’ requires excellent leadership at all levels to plan and deliver effectively and to improve the care of people living in Wales. We want to support our leaders to grow and develop their leadership skills and we are committed to providing opportunities for people to undertake leadership development throughout their careers. We have developed Gwella as our Leadership Portal to enable wide access to a range of curated resources under the banner of Compassionate Leadership which is the leadership model for Wales. We have carefully curated leadership resources that we believe are the most critical areas for primary care leaders who are leading Professional Collaboratives and Clusters whether you are in a new leadership role, or have many years of experience.

View the Allied Health Professionals landing page.

pharmacy logo

Delivering the ambitions of ‘A Healthier Wales’ requires excellent leadership at all levels to plan and deliver effectively and to improve the care of people living in Wales. We want to support our leaders to grow and develop their leadership skills and we are committed to providing opportunities for people to undertake leadership development throughout their careers. We have developed Gwella as our Leadership Portal to enable wide access to a range of curated resources under the banner of Compassionate Leadership which is the leadership model for Wales. We have carefully curated leadership resources that we believe are the most critical areas for primary care leaders who are leading Professional Collaboratives and Clusters whether you are in a new leadership role, or have many years of experience.

View the Pharmacy landing page.