Nursing and Leadership
Welcome to the Nursing Professional Collabrative and Cluster Lead Page.
There is strong evidence that in health care settings, establishing a rapport with patients and demonstrating compassionate care and leadership improves patient health outcomes. In Nursing and related health care professionals, you may not have heard about this before, but it is integral to improving population health.
Leadership skills are especially timely in Wales as more people involved in primary care will be called upon to take an active role in the development of clusters.
Professional Collaboratives
A Professional Collaborative is where groups of professionals drawn from within their cluster area (typically covering a population of between 25,000 and 100,000 people) come together within their professional group (GMS Practices, Dental Practices, Community Pharmacies, Optometry Practices, Community Nurses and Allied Health Professionals) to consider how they respond to the Regional Population Needs Assessment (RPNA), assess the quality of their service offer and respond to national strategies for their respective professions designing solutions based on their detailed local knowledge and experience.
There will be a Professional Collaborative for each professional group (listed above) within each Cluster.
Cluster Leads
A cluster is where representatives from each Professional Collaborative will come together to assess the wider health and population needs of their population to respond to the Regional Population Needs Assessment (RPNA) to produce a prioritised 3 year cluster plan and make decisions about how any funding allocated to clusters should be invested. There are 60 clusters across Wales.
Pan Cluster Planning Group
A Pan Cluster Planning Group (PCPG) will bring together representatives from clusters usually at a County footprint to collaborate with representatives of Health Boards and Local Authorities, public health experts, planners and others to consider the Regional Population Needs Assessment and consider priorities on what services are needed, how to make best use of resources including funding allocated as well as consider workforce and other service issues.
There will be up to 22 PCPGs across Wales as local configurations may vary.