Professions Hub

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Professions Hub

Welcome to the Professions Hub.

Leadership is for everyone. This hub has been developed to showcase resources for a selection of professions to inspire and help all realise their potential as compassionate leaders. All our offerings promote multi-disciplinary working, return to the leadership pathways to see the full suite of leadership resources and opportunities.

People Profession Logo

We are committed to the development of the Workforce and OD Profession in NHS Wales. Its professionals play a unique role at the core of NHS services and are active across a diverse range of areas of work which enhance and help shape services to the citizens of Wales.

The contribution of Workforce and OD Professionals has been at the core of the NHS response to the Covid-19 Pandemic and there is recognition across the sector that the NHS needs a strong workforce and OD function to achieve its optimum performance. We recognise that to best support professionals to enable this we must enhance their professional and personal development and help them have the best opportunities to experience their professional practice across Health in Wales. We must also ensure that professional practice is rooted in a sound knowledge of how we run our health organisations.

Read more about Developing the People Profession.

Developing People Profession Logo

The Optometry Leadership Hub was designed to create an understanding of how leadership forms an integral part of health care for our patients and practicing compassionate leadership benefits patients and services in Wales.

There is strong evidence that in health care settings, establishing a rapport with patients and demonstrating compassionate care and leadership improves patient health outcomes. In optometry and related health care professionals you may not have heard about this before, but it is integral to improve eye health for our patients and to benefit eye care professionals in Wales.

Leadership skills are especially timely in Wales as more people involved in Optometric primary care will be called upon to take an active role in Primary Clusters. These are local organisations that serve populations of between 25,000-100,000 people which bring together (historically started with GP practices) primary care contractors, allied health professionals and the third sector to provide services to better the health of people they collectively serve.

Read more about the Optometry Leadership Hub.

Individual Professional Collaboratives Logo

The Professional Collaborative and Cluster resources pages provide leadership resources for individuals who are leading Professional Collaboratives and Clusters in Wales to support you in new roles.

In the Individual Professional Collaboratives page is available a list of professional collaboratives with the link to each landing page outlining the importance of leadership. These pages will showcase more resources linking specifically to your professional collaborative and clusters.

Read more about the Individual Professional Collaboratives.

nurse smiling

A leadership dedicated space for all who have an interest in nursing and midwifery across health and care in Wales to pause, reflect and learn.

Read more about Nursing and Mifwifery.

Healthcare Science Logo

This is a leadership dedicated space for all fellow Healthcare Scientists across Wales to learn, reflect and develop.

Read more about Healthcare Science Wales.

Dentistry Logo

The importance of visible clinical leadership where dental professionals are able to embrace leadership roles and provide a voice for the dental profession in the wider healthcare system is gaining increasing attention.

This area is designed to create an understanding of how leadership forms an integral part of health care for our patients and practicing compassionate leadership benefits patients and services in Wales.

Read more about Dentistry.

AHP Logo

Together the Allied Health Professions lead transformational change. Their diversity inspires creativity and innovation in practice, education and research. Their multi-professional partnerships across health and social care empowers and enables the people of Wales to live healthier lives.

Read more about Allied Health Professions.

Safeguarding Logo

This area is designed to support Safeguarding Leadership by providing a variety of bespoke resources that are attuned to key Safeguarding topics and utilise a ‘masterclass’ style to engage keynote speakers. Using HEIW’s Gwella network as an integral way for us to connect with our peers, the Safeguarding Leadership Hub can become an accessible, dynamic and integral way that all staff can progress and develop.

Read more about Safeguarding.

Mental Health Logo

The Mental Health Leadership Hub area is designed specifically to support mental health professionals in their leadership journey. This is a resource for professionals at any stage of their career to develop an understanding of how leadership applies to everyone at all levels, and how practicing compassionate leadership can benefit both our staff and patients within mental health services in Wales.

Read more about Mental Health.

Pharmacy Logo

The Pharmacy Leadership Hub area is designed specifically to support pharmacy professionals in their leadership journey. It is a resource for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to use at any stage of their career to further develop their understanding of how leadership forms an integral part of healthcare and to show how practicing compassionate and inclusive leadership can benefit patients and services in Wales. We hope it will be valuable for individual progression and in helping to support others.

Read more about the Pharmacy Leadership Hub.