Spotlight On... Series

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Compassion Con Series IconLeadership Series: Spotlight On...

A series of talks on diverse topics within leadership and health care.


Speaker: Chris Turner, Emergency Medicine Consultant

Summary: How we treat each other at work impacts how teams perform with potential fatal consequences for those working in healthcare. Chris Turner talks about the impact of rudeness in the workplace and his campaign ‘Civility Saves Lives’.

Recorded: 15th September 2021, as part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Read the full bio.

Speaker: Rebecca Richmond, Director, Optum Advisory Board

Summary: In this session, Rebecca Richmond looks at what we can learn from other systems’ approaches to critical strategic and structural issues.

Recorded: 18th November 2021, as part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Read the full bio.

Speaker: Mark Rhodes, Entrepreneur, Business Mentor and International Speaker

Summary: In these three sessions, Mark Rhodes talks about supportive and effective teamwork, drawing upon the compassionate leadership principles to get the most supportive and effective team environment; personal development and how to understand your own personal value; and the mindset of change and how to understand it to get the best out of yourself and your team.

Recorded: As part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Speaker: Rebecca Richmond, Director, Optum Advisory Board

Summary: In this session, Rebecca Richmond talks about re-engineering pathways in health and social care to ensure that the health care system is providing a joined-up experience for our patients and citizens

Recorded: As part of HEIW's 'Leadership Series'

Read the full bio.

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