Episodes - Redefining Leadership


Redefining Leadership

Owen Hughes sits down to talk to us about his role as Clinical Lead of Pain and Persistent Management. Join us as Owen explores how good leadership is key in preventing Burnout and 'Rust Out', both in and out of work. Owen's advice, built up throughout his career, gives practical, applicable tools and techniques that can benefit anyone in their day-to-day practice.

Owen is the National Clinical Lead for Persistent Pain for Welsh Government and a Consultant Counselling Psychologist and Head of the Powys Living Well Service for Powys Teaching Health Board. The Powys service helps people with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and significant weight management issues to manage their health and wellbeing so they can live the lives that are important to them. Owen is also currently working with colleagues to refresh the Living with Persistent Pain in Wales guidelines in Welsh Government.

Sharon has been the National Clinical Lead for Perinatal Mental Health just over 4 years. Previously she has been in multiple nurses roles before taking this opportunity – general, sick children’s and health visitor then a Health visitor for over 25 years. Sharon then progressed and begun focusing on leadership roles. this lead her to commence a short stint with Dyfed-Powys Police as the Early Action Together Partnership Lead before taking up this role in January 2019.

Sharon describes herself as an introvert, which she has said "most people would find this difficult to believe!" Sharon is passionate in encouraging others to shine rather than being in the spotlight herself but this time round she has chosen to be in the spotlight.

Julie has worked in Cardiff for 8 years in adult and paediatric critical care and now leads a team of psychologists in this area and major trauma. She has worked with patients, their loved ones and the staff who care with them to reduce the psychological burden of ICU stay. During this time developed a specialist interest in staff experience and shaping systems, and from 2017 became the associate clinical director of the adult unit to further effect systems change.

Three years ago Julia stepped away from the associate director role to a secondment to the Intensive Care Society- the UK charity representing the multiprofessional intensive care community. She has led a National Programme of wellbeing which has won recognition from the BMJ and has estimated at least 90,000 points of clinical contact.

William Beharrell is a speciality doctor in general adult and older adult psychiatry in Powys and the national honorary lead for Green Health Wales. Beyond his NHS role, William is the founder and director of The Fathom Trust, a charity aimed at integrating traditional crafts, landscapes, and cultures for holistic health and healing. William reflects on his journey, from his experiences on the 'Turquoise Mountain' project inspiring him to pursue medicine, to the work in psychiatric wards, emphasizing the importance of mental health in the healthcare system. William offers an exploration of his multifaceted career, touching on healthcare, community development, and the connection between mental well-being and traditional practices.

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Gwella on Air

Would you like to listen to more podcast episodes about Compassionate Leadership? Our previous podcast, 'Gwella On Air' Podcast is also available.

The Gwella On Air Podcasts explore compassionate leadership in action through a series of one-on-on discussions with a range of leaders. These informal sessions looked at how compassionate behaviours have been embedded across different organisations and what compassionate leadership looks like in action.

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