Collaborate with Gwella - About Gwella

Collaborate with Gwella

About Gwella

people helping each other climb a ladderteam working collaborativelyperson pointing forwards and holding a book

Elevate the leadership skills
of your workforce

Host your
leadership programmes

Promote your brand-new
leadership opportunity

Who we are

Our leadership portal is designed to support leaders at all levels within the health and social care workforce, with an easy access platform that signposts to relevant learning opportunities, resources and events.

We work with health boards to develop, complement and enhance the leadership skills of their workforce. Learn more about how Gwella can support your project or workforce and reach out for further information. We look forward to hear from you.

Benefits of Gwella

How we can collaborate

Leadership Hub

A bespoke webpage to showcase organisational or professional offerings that provides tailor pathways, resources and signposting relevant to your audience. Explore some of our Leadership Hubs to understand the art of the possible: Mental Health Leadership Hub and CTM Leadership Hub .

Learn more about the process of building a Leadership Hub on Gwella and complete our submission form to request an initial meeting to discuss your project.

Self-Assessment and 360 Evaluation

A tool designed to help individuals evaluate their leadership skills, identify strengths and weaknesses, and access tailored development materials along with an evaluation that plots the self-assessment against the 360 completed by their peers. Explore our Compassionate Leadership Self-Assessment to get a taste of this functionality.

Event Management

A booking system where you can host virtual events or organise face-to-face events. Are you looking for a platform to host your next leadership event? Our event app can manage face-to-face events, webinars, 1:1 sessions and conferences and comes equipped with pre-requisites and messaging functionalities.

e-Learning Training Packages

Interactive, self-directed and informal e-learning packages, that lets you structure, create and curate content to deliver learning programmes that meet the needs of your learners. The packages come with reporting capabilities that let you track progress.

Promote Your Leadership Work

A monthly newsletter that reaches out to over 5000 users inbox and it’s a great way to get your project in front of the right people. Do you have a new project, programme, event or opportunity you would like to promote? Share your upcoming project, programme or event on our monthly newsletter.

Get in touch

If you have any other queries about how to collaborate with Gwella, please get in touch.
