Welcome to Inspire, our Senior Leadership development programme.

Who is Inspire for?
The programme is designed to inspire and empower leaders to influence within a healthcare setting, leading within complex systems and across multi-disciplinary teams.
A cohort of Care Group Leads will be starting the Inspire programme 2024. If you are part of this cohort you will be provided with everything you need to complete.
If you are not part of the initial cohort but would like to access some leadership development resources, access the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board’s Leadership Hub.

What does Inspire cover?
Inspire content has been designed to align to the CTM Leadership Competency Framework , which covers eight competency areas.
The programme is a hybrid of face-to-face and virtual learning, connecting clinical and corporate leaders across CTM.
Virtual modules share enlightening and thought-provoking models, case studies and theories to enhance leader’s understanding of leadership & management.
Action Learning Sets then provide a space for leaders to come together and engage with the content on a deeper, more meaningful level. These sessions also provide a space to network and learn from each other.
If you have any issues or queries, please contact us.