CTMUHB Leadership Portal

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University
Health Board Leadership Hub

At Cwm Taf Morgannwg, we aim to use leadership and management as a vehicle to move forward with our mission of building healthy communities together, with our values and behaviours at the heart of what we do.

Through a range of pathways, programmes and initiatives, we will enhance our leadership and management capability, creating compassionate and collective leadership at all levels. All of this is with the aim of creating a culture where people can thrive.

Explore the different programmes and resources on offer

CTM In-House Leadership Programmes

Coaching and Mentoring

CTMUHB is working on developing the coaching and mentoring offering. Please consult the following resources for support.

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Should you require any further information, please contact ctm.atourbest@wales.nhs.uk.

Explore Gwella

You are using Gwella, the HEIW Leadership Portal. Gwella aims to provide individualised, empowering leadership development pathways for leaders and managers at all levels within the health and social care workforce, for the benefit of patients in Wales.