DHCW offers a broad range of internal learning and development training opportunities for all members of staff within the Organisation. We are fully committed to supporting our colleagues in helping them to reach their full potential by developing skills through a wide range of career progression and professional development opportunities.
DHCW Leadership and Management Programmes

It is expected that all new managers attend this training session, however, the session is available to all DHCW managers who require a refresher.
The session will include:
- Onboarding
- Supporting New Starters
- Flexible Working & Remote Working
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Equality & Diversity & Valuing People
- Appraisals & Setting Objectives
- ESR Timesheets
- Manager’s Checklist
- Health Wellbeing
- Recruitment
- Fixed Term Contracts
- Managing Attendance at Work Policy.

This course will look at how an individual can move from being a good manager to being a great one by exploring a range of management and leadership tools and through interactive breakout sessions.
By the end of this course, attendees will:
- Gain greater self-awareness of the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to maximise effectiveness for both themselves and their team in the workplace.
- Be confident in adapting their style according to needs of team and task.

This course will look at how an individual can move from being a good manager to being a great one by exploring a range of management and leadership tools and through interactive breakout sessions.
By the end of this course, attendees will:
- Gain greater self-awareness of the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to maximise effectiveness for both themselves and their team in the workplace.
- Be confident in adapting their style according to needs of team and task.

This course will look at how an individual can move from being a good manager to being a great one by exploring a range of management and leadership tools and through interactive breakout sessions.
By the end of this course, attendees will:
- Gain greater self-awareness of the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to maximise effectiveness for both themselves and their team in the workplace.
- Be confident in adapting their style according to needs of team and task.

This course will look at how an individual can move from being a good manager to being a great one by exploring a range of management and leadership tools and through interactive breakout sessions.
By the end of this course, attendees will:
- Gain greater self-awareness of the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to maximise effectiveness for both themselves and their team in the workplace.
- Be confident in adapting their style according to needs of team and task.

This course will look at how an individual can move from being a good manager to being a great one by exploring a range of management and leadership tools and through interactive breakout sessions.
By the end of this course, attendees will:
- Gain greater self-awareness of the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to maximise effectiveness for both themselves and their team in the workplace.
- Be confident in adapting their style according to needs of team and task.
Full details of the training sessions can be found via Internal Training Calendar
Other Leadership and Management Offerings
The Healthcare Leadership Model is used to help those who work in health and care to become better leaders. It is useful for everyone – whether you have formal leadership responsibility or not, if you work in a clinical or other service setting, and if you work with a team of five people or 5,000. It describes the things you can see leaders doing at work and is organised in a way that helps everyone to see how they can develop as a leader. It applies equally to the whole variety of roles and care settings that exist within health and care. At DHCW, we previously developed a Leadership Charter based on the 9 dimensions of the model, and use the model as part of 360° Assessment and Feedback.
For those individuals looking to develop their leadership style, perhaps for personal development or as identified during Appraisal discussions, there is the option to participate in 360° feedback. This involves completing a 360° self-assessment questionnaire (with questions based on the 9 dimensions of the model), and nominating your Managers, Peers and Colleagues to complete the questionnaire about you. This can help you understand how your leadership behaviours affect the culture and climate you, your colleagues, and teams work in. Whether you work directly with patients and service users or not, you will realise what you do and how you behave will affect the experiences of patients and service users of your organisation, the quality of care provided, and the reputation of the organisation itself.
Read more information on the Healthcare Leadership Model and how it can be used.
If you are interested in undertaking 360° feedback as part of your Appraisal/Personal Development, please contact