DHCW Leadership Hub

Digital Health and Care Wales Leadership Hub

Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) aims to deliver first-class digital health and care services to the people of Wales, enabling more effective, efficient, safe decision making by providing access to content-rich, person-focused health and care data and information.

We embrace a compassionate culture, developing our digital capability and capacity through our workforce development to ensure that staff are trained, supported and therefore, perform to the best of their ability. All achieved, whilst also demonstrating the core values and behaviours so that Digital Health & Care Wales is recognised as a great place to work.

We provide our staff access to leadership resources which reflect the importance of compassion and leadership across the NHS in Wales. Professor Michael West discusses the importance of compassionate and collective leadership and why we need to move towards a more compassionate leadership culture in our organisations.

Explore Gwella

You are using Gwella, the HEIW Leadership Portal. Gwella aims to provide individualised, empowering leadership development pathways for leaders and managers at all levels within the health and social care workforce, for the benefit of patients in Wales.