Executive Success Profiles

Executive Success Profiles

Executive Talent Management
and Executive Leader Development

Attendee at NHS Wales Aspiring Executive Talent Pool (2023-2025) Launch Event
Attendee at NHS Wales Aspiring Executive Talent Pool (2023-2025) Launch Event
The Success Profiles have been developed through wide engagement with leaders at all levels including:
  • The Chief Executive, NHS Wales & Director General Health and Social Care
  • Chairs and CEOs from NHS organisations and national bodies
  • Executive Directors from different professional disciplines
These different groups provided information about the current and future requirements of the Welsh Health and Social Care System at local and national levels. They also provided valuable insight into the challenges and reality faced by Executive Directors and the broad variety of qualities needed to operate effectively at this level.

A comprehensive review of key national strategies and white papers was also conducted to ensure alignment of the Profiles with the long-term ambitions and cultural aspirations of NHS Wales. This ensures the Success Profiles are underpinned by the values and principles that we need to define healthcare within Wales over the coming years.

Purpose of the Success Profiles

  • To provide a holistic and inclusive framework which describes the breadth of qualities, motivations and experiences needed from Chief Executives and Executive Directors in the NHS in Wales both now and in the future.
  • To underpin a One Wales approach for supporting and enabling aspiring and existing Chief Executives and Executive Directors throughout their career.

  • Using the Success Profiles

    The Success Profiles can be used to support individuals at different points in their CEO/Executive Director career and are also intended to underpin a national approach to attracting, developing and appointing a diverse range of leaders into Chief Executive and Executive Director roles.

    How can the Success Profile help individuals:

    The Success Profiles are only available to Gwella Account Holders. Sign up to Gwella .