The Executive Talent Management and Executive Leader Development Hub provides information as well as access to tools, resources and national programmes that support both senior leaders and NHS Wales organisations with talent management, succession planning and leadership development.
We are also responsible for identifying and developing senior leaders, aspiring Chief Executives and aspiring Executive Directors, supporting system-wide succession planning for our nationally recognised thirteen Executive Portfolios.
NHS Wales Executive & Board Level Portfolios
- Chief Operating Officer / Operations
- Finance
- Workforce & OD
- Corporate Governance / Board Secretary
- Medicine
- Nursing / Midwifery
- Therapies and Health Care Science
- Transformation / Improvement
- Strategy / Planning
- Primary Care
- Public Health
- Digital
- Communications / Engagement / Partnerships
The strategy outlines a systematic and planned strategic effort across NHS Wales to attract, retain, develop and motivate high-performing leaders who meet the short, medium and long-term needs of organisations.
This work includes:
- The introduction of inclusive and equitable application processes for aspiring executives and system leaders to identify themselves as potential future Executive and Board Directors.
- Introduction of national leadership programmes specifically for colleagues from Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Groups.
- Improved collection of diversity data to gain further insight into the lived experiences of our aspiring leaders.
- Inclusive leadership learning incorporated into our Executive Development Suite – to enhance the existing skills of those working strategically, to tackle inequality and racism.
The CLS Board and National Succession Strategy aim to achieve the following ambitions:
- Embed compassionate leadership principles across NHS Wales to develop cultures that support, inclusion, wellbeing and quality.
- Create diverse and multi professional pipelines of aspiring senior and executive level leaders.
- Work with local organisations to support talent and succession at all levels.
- Scale and spread compassionate and collective leadership opportunities for leaders at all levels across NHS Wales.
- Ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are embedded in all leadership development opportunities and processes.
Significant work has been progressed to establish an Executive Development Suite for our executive and senior leaders, including the establishment of executive talent pools that reflect our Executive Portfolios across NHS Wales.
Some of the following resources are only available to Gwella Account holders. Sign up to Gwella today.
If you have any queries, please contact the HEIW Talent & Succession Team.
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You are using Gwella, the HEIW Leadership Portal. Gwella aims to provide individualised, empowering leadership development pathways for leaders and managers at all levels within the health and social care workforce, for the benefit of patients in Wales.