Social Care Wales

Social Care Wales
Leadership Hub

Leaders of Tomorrow

A Healthier Wales and the Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy share a vision that by 2030 leaders in health and social care will demonstrate collective and compassionate leadership . Creating a culture of compassion is central to our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of our workforce. Social care leaders and managers are the people who create that culture. This page will help you find the support available to help you lead with compassion.

To set the context, we have jointly produced with partners in health a set of compassionate leadership principles for managers . We’re working on a health and wellbeing framework for social care to help you in your journey to creating compassionate workplaces.

Get in touch with us find out more about our leadership work:
Contact Rebecca Cicero for any leadership queries.
Contact for any for wellbeing queries.

Explore Gwella

You are using Gwella, the HEIW Leadership Portal. Gwella aims to provide individualised, empowering leadership development pathways for leaders and managers at all levels within the health and social care workforce, for the benefit of patients in Wales.