Welcome to our Compassionate Leadership Hub. This page hosts a range of bitesize and long form learning solutions from a range of experts for the development of health and social care staff of all levels to work though at their own pace.

Endorsement From Our Leaders and Experts
Watch short videos from leaders and experts, outlining their vision for how we can consolidate these principles to create a compassionate leadership framework and culture that supports the population of Wales.
A Healthier Wales
A core element of the Parliamentary Review and A Healthier Wales’ Quadruple Aim is to deliver an inclusive, engaged, sustainable, flexible and responsive workforce in health and social care. Its importance is supported by an increasing body of evidence, which correlates the inclusion, wellbeing and engagement of the workforce with the quality of health and care experienced by the people we serve. This Strategy is our opportunity to create a compassionate culture, to address a number of long standing challenges as well as preparing our workforce for future challenges.
at Health Education and Improvement Wales | at Social Care Wales |