About WCLF - Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellows

About The Programme

Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellowship

This exciting, unique one-year opportunity has been successfully running since 2013. The culture of leadership is changing in the modern NHS, with more emphasis on leadership and management training in undergraduate/postgraduate studies. The future of healthcare depends on credible clinical leaders.

Programme Highlights

A group photo of participants from the WCLF programme, standing together, some holding small star-shaped awards
WCLF programme participants.

More Information

A group photo of participants from the WCLF programme, standing together outside Castell Coch
WCLF programme participants.

Do I need to be a ‘leader’ already?
No. Just have an interest in clinical leadership, with the right attitude to learning, developing and getting the most out of your year.

Where would I be working?
You will be working within an organisation in Wales – so either based in their office or within a health board, depending on which project you choose.

Can I still do clinical work?
Yes, there is still the option to undertake clinical work up to 20% of your time, e.g. one day per week.

When is the post for?
All posts are for one-year fixed term and commence in August/September.

When does it start?
The Fellowship is scheduled to commence in August / September 2024.