Applicants Information - 3D Programme

Applicant Information

3D Programme

Applicant Information

What should the aim of my project be?
The range of projects is diverse, and we welcome all proposals which have some or all the following aims:

How much of my personal time will my project take?
The expectation is that you will undertake your project within your own or work time. Two weeks before each module you will be sent pre-course preparation. This usually takes about an hour to complete.

During the project clinics, your peers and the programme directors will support you to overcome any issues that you may be facing. You will need to make some brief notes in preparation for each project clinic so that you can contribute to a group discussion. (e.g. ‘What have I achieved since the previous module? What have I learned? What will I do next?’).

What happens if I need more support with my project?
Being part of the Gwella 3D network means that you can reach out to the programme directors and your peers between the modules, asking for advice or suggesting new materials to read, IT tips or contacts that you have found useful. During the year, you will have the option of booking a one-to-one mentoring session with one of the programme directors. This will take place after the main teaching session on the dates calendared and can be arranged through the 3D Team CPD Admin.

What happens if I am unable to attend a module?
As healthcare professionals, we understand that sometimes things happen which are out of our control. We do ask that if you are not able to attend a module, you email the 3D Team at CPD Admin so that we are aware. Each module is recorded and is available a few days later so that you can catch up on what you have missed.

How much does it cost to participate?
There is no charge to participants. The funding is provided by HEIW. You will also be able to claim for your travelling costs for modules 1, 2 and 6.

Will there be a piece of summative written work at the end of the 3D programme?
No. You will only be asked to summarise the progress you have made with your project on one PPT slide which will then be produced professionally as a poster. Read examples of posters that have been completed previously .