The 3D programme is a free educational programme open to all registered healthcare professionals in NHS Wales. This well-established programme provides an introduction to the knowledge and skills which will support you in delivering and improving patient services in Wales. The programme combines theory and practice in interactive workshops facilitated by experienced speakers.
A key component of the programme is the 3D project. The project title is identified by the participant and focuses on health care improvement. You will apply the theory in a practical way to further your own project and discuss your progress in small groups. This side-by-side learning will enhance your experience and increase your skills and confidence to influence change within your clinical area.

Programme Directors
- Dr Phil Coles, Consultant Anaesthetist and Chief Clinical Innovation Lead for the Small Business Research Initiative Cymru Team.
- Dr Laura Mackenzie, General Practitioner, Community Director for Primary Care and GP Appraiser.

3D is delivered in a hybrid manner. Three sessions will be delivered virtually and three will be delivered face-to-face.
The face-to-face modules will be held in Cardiff at a venue close to public transport links and easily accessible by car. Travel expenses will be reimbursed. Accommodation at the venue will be arranged for colleagues from mid and north Wales.

2024/2025 Dates
- Wednesday 11th September
- Wednesday 9th October
- Wednesday 27th November
- Wednesday 15th January
- Wednesday 12th March
- Wednesday 21st May

How to Apply
Applications for 2024 are now closed.
Applications for 2025 will open in Spring 2025.
Should you require any further information, please contact us.