Dental Leadership Hub

Leadership Hub

This area is designed to create an understanding of how leadership forms an integral part of health care for our patients and practicing compassionate leadership benefits patients and services in Wales.

The importance of visible clinical leadership where dental professionals are able to embrace leadership roles and provide a voice for the dental profession in the wider healthcare system is gaining increasing attention. Leadership skills are important to all members of the dental team; and this will increase as the profession moves towards a multidisciplinary model of care utilising skill mix and widening their involvement in Primary Care Clusters. Dental teams require direction, strategy and a sense of purpose if they are to achieve success in supporting and caring for their patients.

At HEIW we are providing this leadership resource for all dental professionals who have an interest in discovering and expanding their leadership journey within their own profession whilst benefitting from the experience of interacting with other communities on the GWELLA platform.

The HEIW Compassionate Leadership Framework to helps dental professionals who are (or will be) required to develop the skills to lead their teams effectively in their local community, health system or at a national level.

Explore Gwella

You are using Gwella, the HEIW Leadership Portal. Gwella aims to provide individualised, empowering leadership development pathways for leaders and managers at all levels within the health and social care workforce, for the benefit of patients in Wales.