Succession planning and talent management is an integral part of the Workforce Strategy for NHS Wales. Our need to identify, develop and retain our talent alongside system wide succession planning has never been more important.

This hub comprises of a range of resources, including practical templates and planning tools which guide organisations through the process of laying the foundations for engaging staff in, implementing and evaluating effective succession planning and talent management practices. It will be refreshed and expanded over time following user feedback and new talent management research.
This Hub has been designed to:
- Support NHS Wales organisations to develop and embed inclusive, sustainable approaches to succession planning and talent management for staff at all levels.
- Support local talent management strategies as well as underpinning a cohesive national approach.
- Provide practical templates and planning tools which guide organisations through the process of laying the foundations for engaging staff in, implementing and evaluating effective succession planning and talent management practices.
The following resources are only available to Gwella Account holders. Sign up to Gwella today.