It’s important to understand the staff health and wellbeing needs, to ensure effectiveness of the support provided.
For this, the following should be considered:
- Promote a data-led approach to all staff health and wellbeing support.
- Use continuous process improvements such as Quality Improvement approaches, especially through collective discussion in regular team meetings.
Data Sources
Assess awareness and engagement of:
- Occupational Health
- Employee Wellbeing Services
- Employee Assistance Programmes
- Wellbeing Conversation Guide
- Analytics of intranet sites
- NHS Wales Staff Survey response rate and Engagement Index Score
- Leadership Development Programmes
- Health and Safety Training (including stress)
Use existing measures such as:
- Risk Assessment Tools such as Stress
- NICE Healthy Workplaces Quality Standard
(especially when measuring mental health)
- Time to Change Pledge
- Workforce Race Equality Standard
- Health and Safety Executive Standards
Suggested Metrics
Use your local staff health and wellbeing surveys / health needs assessment and NHS Wales Staff Survey results to measure against the areas that impact on staff health and wellbeing:
- Involvement in decision making
- Input and influence in change
- Job demand, pace, workload and autonomy
- Retention
- Onboarding
- Exit
- Stay
- Vacancies
- PADRs/PDPs with wellbeing objectives
Patient Safety:
- Clinical concerns
- Speaking Up Safely
- Complaints
Staff Engagement:
- Engagement Index Score
Compassionate Culture:
- Speaking Up Safely Framework metrics
- Complaints
- Patient Experience / Putting things Right metrics
- NHS Performance Framework indicators
- Compassionate Leadership
- Compassionate Leadership metrics
Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion:
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion metrics
- Career conversations
- Recognition of contribution
- Recognition events
- Letters of thanks
- Acknowledgements / compliments
Autonomy and control:
- Involvement in decision making
- Input and influence in change
- Job demand, pace, workload and autonomy
Raising concerns:
- Speaking Up Safely Framework metrics
Line Management:
- 121 meetings
- PADRs/PDPs including wellbeing objectives
- Wellbeing Conversation Guide
- Wellness Action Plans
Team Working:
- Team working metrics including shared objectives
Flexible Working:
- ESR metrics
- Flexible Working applications and approvals
- Career Conversations
- Retire and Return applications and approvals
Healthy working environments:
- Burnout metrics
- Sickness absence
- Health and Safety metrics
- Awareness and update of staff health and wellbeing resources
- Wellbeing Conversation Guide
- Wellness Action Plans
- Bullying and Harassment
- Stress Risk Assessments
- Annual Leave carry over requests
- PADRs/PDPs including wellbeing objectives
- Career conversations
Other metrics include:
- Mandatory and Statutory Training
- Welsh Language metrics
- Employee Relations activity
- Partnership working