There is overwhelming evidence that staff health and wellbeing has an impact on staff engagement and experience, and how this enables organisational productivity, individual performance and ultimately the quality of patient care and outcomes.

This Best Practice Guide has been developed in collaboration with professional leads in staff health and wellbeing in NHS Wales, with advice from experts in workforce and organisational development, clinical psychologists, Social Care Wales and Welsh Government and in partnership with Trade Union colleagues. Compassionate Leadership has been embedded in every aspect of this Best Practice Guide.
It is evidence-based and highlights the key factors that impact on staff health and wellbeing, the areas to measure to ensure a data driven approach, and includes best practice resources and case studies. It is intended to be a continually improving and evolving quality resource for NHS Wales.
This Best Practice Guide is an enabler to NHS Wales local organisation staff health and wellbeing and workforce and organisational development strategies and should be used alongside these and other national enablers. Watch the Staff Health and Wellbeing Framework launch session .
The Best Practice Guide will play a vital role in protecting, supporting and enabling all health and care staff in Wales for the benefit of the health and care of all the people of Wales.
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