Toolkit 4 - Speaking Up Safely

Recording and Monitoring of Concerns

Speaking Up Safely

Points for recording and monitoring of individual concerns

Data Point 1:

  1. The type of concern
  2. The correct process
  3. Collect employee characteristic

Data Point 2:
Monitor Response

  1. Monitor progress monthly
  2. Update person raising concerns fortnightly

Data Point 3:

  1. Triangulate learning
  2. Communicate outcome
  3. Evaluate the outcome with the person raising concerns

(Note this data should be aggregated, and reported to the Board Committee with responsibility for Speaking Up Safely at least annually)

  • Type of concern: Patient safety, Bullying/harassment, Incivility, Fraud, Management Concerns, System and Process, Discrimination/Inequality, Behaviour/Relationship, Worker Safety, Other. N.B. The ‘usual’ approach is for any ‘guardians’ to assign the ‘type’ of concern, in conjunction with the Workforce and OD team.
  • Establish whether other existing processes are more appropriate: Respect and Resolution; Fraud; Incident Reporting.
  • Establish Employee characteristics: staff/temporary staff/student; staff group; department and directorate; protected characteristics; N.B. organisations and guardians have identified this as a potential point of tension with anonymity.
  • Is the concern raised anonymously?
  • Establish the lead/s for responding to the concern.
woman on the phone
  • Monthly progress check with lead for response and the Workforce and OD Team.
  • Feedback fortnightly to the person speaking up
two man looking at a laptop screen
  • Triangulate with other concerns
  • Indicate case as closed
  • Identify and agree the outcome with the Workforce and OD Team
  • Identify the learning and/or improvement resulting from the concern
  • Evaluate the experience of the person speaking up and the person responding
hand closing laptop