Leadership Opportunities for All - BCUHB Leadership Hub

Opportunities for All

BCUHB Leadership Hub

The resources listed on this page are recommended/available for all leaders across the 6 Leadership pathways.

You will find a range of learning opportunities below, from Core Manager Training modules through to our Culture Programme, as well as signposting to external learning opportunities.

Some of the opportunities available require a NHS Wales account or networked device.

Core BCUHB Manager Modules

Culture and Leadership Programme

The Culture and Leadership Programme is a practical evidence based resource which has been used by over 80 NHS organisations resulting in great outcomes for both staff and service users. Using various tools, we will be working with you all across the organisation over the coming months to discover what our current culture looks like. This will inform the way ahead for developing compassionate, inclusive and collective leadership cultures enabling us to deliver high-quality, safe and effective patient care.

Self-Directed Learning Opportunities

Formal Learning Opportunities

Informal Learning Opportunities

Further Resources