National Retention Hub

National Retention Hub

Belong, Thrive, Stay

This hub has been developed to provide evidence information, tools and resources to support us in improving retention together.

Staff retention is a vital part of sustaining and growing our NHS workforce to meet the increasing and changing service demands across Wales. In recent years our staff have been leaving the NHS at an increased rate, due to a variety of staff experience reasons. In response, it was recognised that action was needed and the Belong, Thrive, Stay National Retention Programme was established in 2023.

To support the programme delivery a national retention lead and ten local organisational retention leads have been employed to provide national and local leadership, and a sustained focus upon achieving tangible improvements in staff retention across NHS Wales with focus upon the Compassionate Leadership Principles and the commitments of our people pledge:

We are compassionate and inclusive

We recognise everyone’s contribution

We are all able to speak up

We are stronger together

We champion flexible working

We nurture healthy working environments

We are continuously learning and improving

For more information about the National Retention Programme, please contact Zoe Gibson.

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